Gulf Wars XI Photos
Trimarians at Gulf Wars
HRM Odo on THL Brenna's Cisco and HRM Elena on Lady Meghan's Vixen before the fort
TRH Martin and Islay before the fort mounted on Sunnifa's Cody and Lord Gavin's Cowboy
The Royal procession makes ready
Our Doe gets pressed into service by the Meridien Crown to hang on to Beaux "the wild"
The original design for the Trimarian Royal Barding
The Trimarian Royal barding on Cisco and Vixen for the first time
Lady Eleanor Fitzpatrick, one of our allies from the East Kingdom, on her horse Leaps and Bounds
THL Aurora, THL Brenna and Cisco make ready for their entrance into the Emprise de Hibou Tombe'
THL Brenna is chosen as the Champion of the Roses by the Ladies of the Rose
Participants in the Emprise de Hibou Tombe'
Participants in the Emprise de Hibou Tombe'
Participants in the Emprise de Hibou Tombe'
The Ansteorran Crown
Our own Duchess Elspeth Trelawney MacNaughton presents awards
The charge begins
The charge prepares
Sir Henri le Hibou de Bois and Harleigh of Ansteorra
Duke Brion Tarragon of East Kingdom
Lady Alica Seale, one of our Meridien allies, prepares to make her run
Lady Katherine of Whiteacre, Caid Equestrian Champion